Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What Natalie Likes To Do On Her Free Time

Hello friends and welcome to another visit to my blog. Today I would Like to share with you guys what I enjoy doing on my free time. Or in other words, everyday of summer. 

First off, I wake up at around 8 AM so I check my messages to see if Ben has freaked out about something at night. He doesn't always but lately I've been sleeping like a rock so checking is mandatory. Can't leave my partner in crime alone when he needs me now can't I? That is my first pass time since after I check my messages I go on Instagram and occasionally Twitter to see what the new hehaw is today on the interwebs. YouTube is a must though. I spend a lot of time on YoutTube looking a daily vloggers because they can go out and explore the world and I can't. What a sad life. 

My second pastime is one much more connected to my childhood: Pokemon. I grab my Nintendo DS, pick a comfy spot, and don't move for hours. Hey, I wanna be the very best like no ones ever done. It takes time, lots of it. Especially when you can't catch a legendary Pokemon that keeps running away! *mumble* stupid Ladias *mumble*

My third pastime activity is exercising. I usually (always) go to the Zumba studio by my house since I get all the exercise I need there, it's cheap, and entertaining. When I'm feeling down the teacher is always a pick me up because she's completely insane. I love it. We get wild and crazy the kind we shouldn't do in public and hope our father's never see. Just kidding but if shaking your butt will make your dad blush, let's hope he doesn't see.

My next pastime is movies. Movies for daaaaays. Movies are what we wish would happen in our lives to make them more adventurous but never happen. I've still been pretty obsessed with the Twilight Staga because I feel for Jacob Black man. Poor lad and his multiple rejections. For some reason I enjoy the books where there's always a mad rejected even though he's been there all along for the heroine. Little bitches. There Obviously the right choice duuuuhh. *excuse the fangirl moment there* I've recently watched X-Man: First Class, whic is the first X-Man movies I've ever watched, and loved it. I love the actors and the basses of it since I kinda have an X-Man background from watching the cartoon show every time it was on during my childhood. (Ahh the 90's) I didn't like X-Man the Last Stand though. It didn't have the same froress as First Class. It was kinda cliche really. It didn't convince me. Oops. 

And lastly the last pastime, reading. Duh. Books are what we wished our life was. Period. How cool would it be to live in  world of magic and fantasy? Freaken epic that's what. It kinda bugs me (a lot) that now since directors don't have any original ideas of their own they start creating books into movies and then a whole freaken fan bases appears out of no where shipping all the romances for the actors not the character. Um NO. That is not acceptable. They are completely missing the whole point of the the character's personality and focusing on the actor's "hotness." No bitches, no. Read the book before the movie. It is always better. ALWAYS. (HP reference <3)

And that has been my pastime activities also known as my summer. As you can see, I don't go out much. Like at all. Occasional shopping here and there but yeah I live indoors. Whoop di do.  

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mysterious Mondays 8/25/14

What's up guys? I was browsing the interwebs and found this fantastic singer on YouTube. Please take a listen and go like her video because HOT DAMN DAT VOICE. Honestly this is making me want to go grab my acoustic and sing too. I probably should but you know parents, once you show an interest in something they start freaking out and bragging about it to their friends and then make you do something your not comfortable with. Wait no? Just me? Awesome. 

Being in a mariachi helped me learn guitar but no matter how hard I try I can not bar the strings. Its so frustrating because I will literally try until I can't feel my fingers. Either my fingers are too weak or my fingers are to weak. Damn fingers. You will not get the best of me. I will not give up.

I honestly think I'm not that bad of a singer I just don't like rejection. Yeah I know, weakling right? I don't even get stage fright it's just the comments people make that make me freak out, good or bad. It's like "Oh crap they were actually paying attention??" I sometimes believe I am invisible. I think I'm missing a marble from the jar in my head. It must be invisible. 

I'm going to go fight with my guitar guys. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Enjoy Every Moment of Life

It's so surreal how we take everything for granted. You can not say individually that you don't because everyone does. Yesterday and today my family and I have been watching old home videos from Thanksgiving. Like we're talking years 2005/2006. This is the time when my brother of 9 was 1 year old and I was 10 years old. My family is together on thanksgiving and dancing their asses off in my back yard. We are all crazy young, dancing to old school Mexican music, and of course, happily drunk. What makes this so special is the fact that my family is at my house. See, one of my uncles live up north by San Francisco in a city called Stockton. That is at least 6-7 hours away from where I live. They used to drive every year down to my house to celibate thanksgiving and my uncle's birthday, which is on the same day. My other uncle, who is also my godfather, who lives much closer comes too with his family. What shocked me was that second cousins that we don't talk to at all are also in this particular video we watched and it seems impossible because we have completely no contact at all with them now. 

That was the past. Today, my uncles and my dad, their brothers mind you, have created some family feud that completely destroyed that family we used to be. Worst is that this feud is about money. Money. If the world wasn't economically run then maybe this wouldn't have happened. But I'm not here to blame the world. I here to ravish on the past and to tell myself to enjoy every single moment of my life whether it be waiting in line to going to church. Every moment is precious. Family is worth more than money isn't it? 

Another aspect of my life that has made me think of this was that life is so fragile and can be gone in an instant. Many of my dad's family friends have passed away recently and has made me think about everything in my world and how I would feel if they passed away. In this past week I know of 3 people personally who have pasted away. Three. One of these people is the father of one of my past dancer friends who had cancer. Her little girl, who grew up with no father, was extremely attached to him and now doesn't even comprehend that he's gone. All she knows is that she misses him and asks when he's coming back. It makes my heart heavy just to think of this poor little girl. If this were to happen to me i know I wouldn't be l aright. I mourn for their family who is suffering right now and hope everything gets better in their life.

For my sake, I am going to list memories of my past that have changed dramatically through out the years:

1. My grandpa house, house I grew up in and lived, is now under new ownership. I knew every nook and cranny in that house and can not even visit it anymore. They even tore down my tree house.
2. My grandparents got divorced. My grandma hardly ever visits now.
3. My other set of grandparents have passed away. I now will never have a chance to see or speak to them ever again. Last time I saw them I was 9. 
4. After seeing my cousins and I dancing and getting along so well, I realized that I can't even contact them because they have blocked me from every social network they have. 
5. I have stopped dancing which I really need to start again soon.
6. My high school band director has accepted another job position and will be resigning. I know I never really talked to him very often but I will miss him tremendously. He is by far one the best teachers I have ever had.  

Enjoy your life and cherish every minute of it. You'll never know when it will be taken away.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mysterious Mondays: Pixlr Editor 8/11/14

Gaaahh! I am so behind on writing all my blog posts!! That's what studying does for ya. I could seriously write about a million things right now. Here are some: 
1. Band Camp has started
2. My summer class is ending this week
3. One of my old dance friends got engaged and shes only 19!
4. I need to study for my final!
5. I'm cutting and DIYing my old clothes
6. I saw Step Up All In and Planes in the theaters

Yeah that's my list of what I need to write about. I want to make myself write all the posts this week so I'd have one post every day but I have my final! I don't know yet if I'll actually complete it all. Its a possibility. Let's leave it at that. 

So since this is still a Mysterious Monday post, let me rave to the internet about the internet! Whoo Hoo! I have been messing around with Pixlr because I've been trying to make my own personalized background for my blog. It's not that easy people let me tell you. So many numbers involved 0~0 There must only be pictures not numbers! Anyways I was messing around it Pixlr and ended up finding how cool the website actually was. I have always wanted to dye my head and get tattoo since I was a little girl and this website allowed me to see what I would actually look like. 

I really REALLY like it. Hopefully ( slim chance ) my parents like it too. But what parent likes to see their child like this? Not mine that's whose. One day Natt, one day. 
I really recommend Pixlr to anybody who likes to edit pictures because it is completely free unlike Photoshop and other editing programs. 
That's all for today lovely people. I need to study! 

Wait I lied hehe. I had an idea of another little segment I could start on my blog. It's kinda like a dream journal but on the internet (duh) and it would be in a video instead of writing. It could be called "Natalie's Narratives" or something of that sort. What do you guys think? Wanna see me in pj's and crazy 80's morning hair? I'd give you a great laugh I guarantee it. 

-Natalie xoxo

Monday, August 4, 2014

YouTube Beauty Guru: MarizaPie! : Mysterious Mondays 8/4/214

 Hello you lovely people. I have been watching YouTube all summer and discovered this beauty blogger that I really enjoy watching: CutiePieMariza. I came across by her while watching her hilarious gamer boyfriend PewDiePie [Felix]. When you enter YouTube, you never go back. It's a whole social network by itself. And it's full of amazing people if you know where to find them. 

Mariza [Mar-za] gives makeup tips, hair tutorials, and provides examples of extremely cute outfits. She also makes hilarious videos with Felix that range from YouTube tags, different challenges, and gaming videos. She has given me so many ideas for me to try on myself it's a shame I don't have enough money to buy all the clothes and makeup in my ideas. There goes my attempt to be girly!

Check her out and see how much Mariza can brighten your day. This funny quirky girl will make you smile at least a little. I hope >~< 

Natt xxx

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