Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mysterious Mondays: Pixlr Editor 8/11/14

Gaaahh! I am so behind on writing all my blog posts!! That's what studying does for ya. I could seriously write about a million things right now. Here are some: 
1. Band Camp has started
2. My summer class is ending this week
3. One of my old dance friends got engaged and shes only 19!
4. I need to study for my final!
5. I'm cutting and DIYing my old clothes
6. I saw Step Up All In and Planes in the theaters

Yeah that's my list of what I need to write about. I want to make myself write all the posts this week so I'd have one post every day but I have my final! I don't know yet if I'll actually complete it all. Its a possibility. Let's leave it at that. 

So since this is still a Mysterious Monday post, let me rave to the internet about the internet! Whoo Hoo! I have been messing around with Pixlr because I've been trying to make my own personalized background for my blog. It's not that easy people let me tell you. So many numbers involved 0~0 There must only be pictures not numbers! Anyways I was messing around it Pixlr and ended up finding how cool the website actually was. I have always wanted to dye my head and get tattoo since I was a little girl and this website allowed me to see what I would actually look like. 

I really REALLY like it. Hopefully ( slim chance ) my parents like it too. But what parent likes to see their child like this? Not mine that's whose. One day Natt, one day. 
I really recommend Pixlr to anybody who likes to edit pictures because it is completely free unlike Photoshop and other editing programs. 
That's all for today lovely people. I need to study! 

Wait I lied hehe. I had an idea of another little segment I could start on my blog. It's kinda like a dream journal but on the internet (duh) and it would be in a video instead of writing. It could be called "Natalie's Narratives" or something of that sort. What do you guys think? Wanna see me in pj's and crazy 80's morning hair? I'd give you a great laugh I guarantee it. 

-Natalie xoxo

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