Yet another yeah has past and another year of our lives done. Today is the last day of 2013 and yet I don't feel like I've accomplished much. Honest to Jebus, I don't think much of myself and often forget memorable things which lead me to write this blog in the first place. Now I know it seems super corny to write New Year resolutions but you know, here I am. Writing them. Because now that it will be on the internet, I have to do them.
Buuuut first! Last years resolutions that I wrote. Lets see if I completed them.
New Year Resolutions for 2013
- Be More Open
- Express Yourself
- Do More Wild and Crazy Shenanigans
- Have an Adventure
- Live Life Like There's No Tomorrow
- Speak Your Mind, Have A Voice and Don't Be Afraid To Show It
- Stop Being Antisocial
- Get Closer To My Friends and Become Like The Golden Trio
- Grow Up and Look At Reality, No More Games Bitch
- Have Fun, Enjoy Every Minute Of Every Day and Don't Waste Time
Ummm yeah I basically said in all of these grow up and be crazy. Well that kind of happened in a way. This year, as I've just thought of it, I did achieve a few things like being the tinniest Marching Parade Band competing in Southern California and actually making a name for ourselves and taking marching sweepstakes at Arcadia. That's something right. Yeah whoo team work. Sigh. I've actually completed most of the 2013 new year resolutions like expressing myself, as this blog, and stop being antisocial. Yay me.
New Year Resolutions for 2014
- Don't Live with "What if's"
- Don't Put Yourself Down All The Time
- Don't Hurt Myself All The Time
- Speak Up! Your Not That Dumb. People Like Copying Your Papers For A Reason Dummy
- Achieve Self Goals: Blog More, Make Youtube Videos, Make Thisn Last year Of High School Last
- Network. Make More Friends. "To Earn Some You Must Give Some"
- Stop Crying So Much You Baby
- Don't Take Things Up The Ass. Seriously
- Bond With Your Annoying Family. There Not That Bad.
- Don't Be Afraid Of Everything. Take Life With A Tackle.
Those are my New Year Resolutions. Kinda corny but it will do. Hopefully I accomplish my goals and not flack out like when people say "I'm gonna lose wait next year" and then a week after January first the gym is completely empty. I would like to lose wait though. Zumba every week for me. Its not actually very hard work and I like dancing AND got results last time
sooooo I'll take it. I'm a dancer at heart. In all real seriousness I hope to discover more of myself and succeed in college like I know I can. I want to make friends that will last a life time and not just flake out on me and forget who I even was. And lastly I want to just live life. There are so many obsticals every day just flying at me and I'd just like to enjoy my life. My family has been in a huge fight within themselves and personally I think is BS. I don't even regard them as family anymore. People I know is more like it. They might say "Oh well i helped you in this instance" or "What are you talking about I did invite you" or :"You pay it I have no money" well I'm sick and tired of it. Fuck them and move on. My dad shouldn't put up with crap like this but oh well. Shows who's the strong one in the family of nine. Ignoring my little anger tantrum, New Years is about new beginnings and fresh starts. Hopefully all goes well.
Happy New Years!
I made this Flipgram thingy that apparently everyone is doing so enjoy!