Friday, August 23, 2013

Last Day of Band Camp! Growing Up Too Fast

 I hope all of you have been having a amazing day just like I have. Unfortunately it is also a sad one in my case. Today was the last day of high school band camp for me. Yes I know! its so tragic!(note the sarcasm) For some strange reason though I am not as saddened about it all as I thought I would be. But since it is the last day I have decided (after remembering many memories of previous years) to share some of them with you guys. Errrm except for my freshman year...ha-ha...ummm...I didn't exactly take pictures for I was A BIT clueless and scared of high school....ha-ha....

Band Camp 2011: My Sophomore Year

This year I had finally started to understand that marching really is just exaggerated walking and it hurts your ankles, calves, and bum waaaaay to much. Drills in the hot sun after our morning work out of a mile or a mile of bleachers. (Our director said we're too fat and need exercise to fit in our marching uniforms T-T) 
Pictures above:
  1. One of my friends Marriza. Its all smiles until we have to go march. In the sun. In the very hot sun. For too many hours. 
  2. Lunch time at noon. Were all so tired but still manage to go and buy food at our local McDonald's located at the corner of our school. (Yes we're fatties) 
  3. My two friends Emily and Marcia having some fun playing with the color guard practice flags. Until they fall on our faces. And we cry.

Band Camp 2012: My Junior Year

Not very exciting either I'm afraid for this year I feel was the hardest being we obtained a more difficult march. (Eagles' Squadron) This year was very successful though so band camp obviously payed off.

  1. My friend Michelle (who I've actually gotten really close to) taken by suprise
  2. My other friend Alan (also my section leader) trying to get all the girrrrrls 

Annnnnnd finally Band Camp 2013: Senior Edition!

This year was honestly by far the easiest out of all the years because, well, I already know how to do everything asked for. Yay. But without a doubt it is still burning hot no matter what. EVEN IN THE MORNING which is not very appealing. To anyone. Hooray for horrible band camp tans. ↓

1. This year's march; Quick March-"Holyrood". History lesson! It is about how a queen in some distant land was gifted with a piece of Jesus's Cross (y'all know, from the Bible. THE Jesus) and  Kenneth Alford wrote this march as a gift to her as well. Hooray for playing a stick march.
2. My adorable bestest friend Ben who also happen to be my boyfriend. Oh dear gebus I hate that word.

3. Alan (in a photo above) and Ben wrestling

4 & 5. Michelle and Ben wrestling the best friends they are

6. Our park lunch adventure where we completely turn into little children and take over the playground. And apparently teach them how to say "bubble-butt" We are so getting kicked out one day I swear

7. Our tiny flute section of four, or three in this case because our other companion left. Please excuse my horrible complexion; it was a long day.

8. And lastly Alicia, Me, and Matt. The senior's I managed to catch for a picture. Again, excuse my tiredness.
That has been my adventure through out the years I have been attending Band Camp. I will admit I will miss it and belonging into out tiny marching block of thirty. Oh how I detest growing up. Why can't our childhood last forever. But unfortunately we can not nor rewind time so straight ahead I go. 
To what lays ahead and more, 
Natalie ♫ 

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